| 1. | This is the final output after completing the steps in this article 这是完成本文所有步骤后的最终输出结果。 |
| 2. | A document flows from one component to the next , gradually building the final output 文档从一个组件流向下一个组件,逐步形成最后的输出。 |
| 3. | If your page creates markup at run time , the tool cannot check the final output of the page 如果页在运行时创建标记,则该工具不能检查页的最后输出。 |
| 4. | Figure 3 shows some of the sample data that s processed by prop2xlf , including the input source , the intermediate result , and the final output 图3显示了prop2xlf处理的一些示例数据,其中包括输入源文件、中间结果和最后的输出。 |
| 5. | The administrator might also have to archive and version the intermediate and final output of the build process for later review 管理员还有可能必须存档生成过程的中间输出和最终输出,并对这些输出进行版本管理,以便以后进行评审。 |
| 6. | While teamwork has been becoming one modern scientific productive way , it has a lot of new own problem , namely unobservablity of every membe ’ s effort and distribution of final output 然而,团队工作也带来了许多新的自身的问题,即各成员的努力付出不可观测性及最终的产出分配等问题。 |
| 7. | The namespaces of the data types from the original wsdl and the final output wsdl may become different because of the namespace to package mapping and package to namespace mapping 原始的wsdl和最终输出的wsdl中的数据类型的名称空间可能因为“名称空间到包映射”和“包到名称空间映射”的不同而不同。 |
| 8. | Once the full application has run its course through all of the distributed tiers in figure 1 , above , the final output is html generated by the presentation jsp and sent back to the browser 在完整的应用程序在上面的图1中的所有的分布式层中运行之后,最后的输出是显示jsp生成的html并返回给浏览器。 |
| 9. | Many of the activities exchanged among enterprises in a sn are of a service nature , and the final output is often a combination of tangible products and services which the end - customer purchases 在供应网路中,企业之间有不少交易行为,本质就是服务,而最终产品往往是终端客户购买的实物产品和服务的混合体。 |
| 10. | Clearly , a far better option is to divide programs into many independent sub - tasks that can be processed by multiple processors , and then to pipe their results to a single processor that assembles a final output 显然,一个更好的方法就是:把程序分割成许多能被多个处理器处理的独立的子任务,然后把结果输送到一个单独的处理器中汇集成最终输出。 |